Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fake Friends Are Like Fake Diamonds--No One Wants Them But Everyone Has Them

Tanaya Rachele

 Dear Bloggers,,
   Have you ever had a friend who you thought was your best friend? Someone you could confide into, cry in the arms of, and be your rock when you thought you couldn't be your own-- And then one day you wake up and realize that they were just as fake as your 1karat diamond earrings.. the horror.. well I'm here to tell you that this happens to EVERYONE. There is not one person on this planet that has never been so blind sided by this tragedy.--Now fast forward and your laying in bed with ice cream crying over a friend like it was your lover or something..SNAP OUT OF IT! Getting fat over a fake friend is dumb! Fake people are irrelevant.. not only are they a waste of time and space they are also a waste of your breath. Now i know at this point your agreeing with me and turning down the sad music and putting away the ice cream..But the next part of this whole rant is the most important part. DONT BE A BITCH BACK--WHAT!, Are you out of your mind she was rude and treated me bad and she deserves everything I'm about to give her--PAUSE! 1 out of every 3 person that i have talked to in my life has told me that the most irritating thing they have every experienced was niceness from a person they hated. -- So back to what i was saying don't be a bitch be a lady.. Now being a lady doesn't mean being a punk it means being able to "float like a butterfly, and sing like a bee". Next time you see that individual smile and wave but don't engage in conversation. Make new ACQUAINTANCES, laugh and have a great time! Not only are you pissing that individual off you also are making new friends and realizing that you never needed that person to begin with,, you just needed to know that you had yourself.Because its better to have 10 acquaintances than it is to have 1 fake best friend.--I have this friend and every time she takes out her fake earrings she always complains about her ear staining and how gross and unappealing it is. --Well next time you are in a store and you see two diamonds one real and one fake.. think about this would you rather pay more for something that will last longer and never hurt you, or something fake thats cheaper but leaves a permanent stain!