Dear Bloggers,,
A lot of friends always tell me,, your to picky you need to lower your standards if you ever want a guy-- "Umm excuse me??".. I know a lot of people who are dating people they were never attracted to and now over time they have just started to grow on them-- or they broke up. I ask them why date someone you aren't attracted to?? Their response is always the same 1. We are best friends it has to work . And 2. Since he isn't that attractive, he'll always treat me like a princess and does everything I want him too-- now I know some of you are starting to say the famous saying "looks don't matter". But I don't know how exactly true that statement is,, people only make that statement because they KNOW they aren't attracted to their significant other. Most people constantly brag about their amazing boyfriend. But what about those other girls who aren't attractive to them but since they treated them like a queen and they were best friends they started dating.. Now I know there are those few people who hated and thought each other were ugly and ended up being together for 50years-- but what about the other percentage. Should I lower my standards because he doesn't meet a couple checks on my list. Now there are those people who have a list that is three pages long but what about those people who only have three things on the list. Should they "lower their standards" because they are lonely and don't have what everyone else has-- "honey the grass isn't greener on the other side". I don't have all the answers but I truly believe that there is one person out there that is right for you. And if you lower your standards you'll end up with a guy you never wanted,, instead of the guy who was meant for you. Every night for the rest of your life as you lay next to him a small voice in the back of your head will wonder and dream of "what if.." So when my friends say lower your standards i ignore them because in the end lets see who lasts and who fails-- the couple that are madly in love and are physically attracted to each other, who always glow when they talk about one another,, or that couple where she lowered her standards to someone who one day MIGHT be fond of, and spend the rest of her life dreaming.. It's not about lowering your standards it's about getting what you actually deserve-- HAPPINESS.