Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Don't Post On Social Media So Many People Will Like It-- I Post So That The Jealous People Don't

Dear Bloggers,,

So your in bed and can't fall asleep, what to do so you scroll down Instagram-- who the heck does she think she is! You shout in your head as your eyes lay upon the picture.. The annoying girl you see all the time in school, there she is at a party with all the hot guys in school and she looks like she is having so much fun-- then as you calm your thoughts you look down to see how many people liked her photo.. just as you thought 145likes-- as the madness turns to sadness you go to your profile and see how many likes your last photo had..12likes,, now every time you post you makes sure that your photo has more than 20 likes if not you delete it..So i ask the question why do you post on social media? is it because you like to see how many likes you get on a picture.. or is it because you don't have a life but like to appear to others like you do? When talking to people most people will look many times to verify that they had over ten likes on their photo or status update.. thats RIDICULOUS isn't it! Well I'm here to tell you why i post things on social media and it isn't the reasons that i stated early, its because i don't care about who likes the photo but i care about the jealous people who don't like it. they stare at my photo in hatred, thats the real reason i post. HATERS ARE ALWAYS GOING TO HATE.. but its the haters that make people more successful they push people farther than they ever thought they could ever go. So when people say i don't care what others say about my social media i do it for myself, BULLSHIT you do care and you know it, i do it for the haters they say. But myself, I love jealous people because it reminds me that my life is pretty special. Everyday i find my self complaining about multiple things that i don't like about my life..well if my life is special enough to have someone jealous of it than i have a pretty good life. Posting reminds me of the blessings i have in my life that i am able to do the things i do and have the friends i can do them with. It is very important to remember why you do the things you do then just doing them for no reason.  

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